You may say, why Alpha? It's old, buggy, and a real pain to keep secure! It seems as if everyone has forgotten it. But not us. We at AlwaysAlpha are dedicated to keeping 2010 Minecraft alive and well.
- xDeathCon
AlwaysAlpha started in August of 2017 as a spiritual successor to NostalgiaProject (an Alpha server that unfortunately shut down). Though rough at first, the server slowly gained popularity after the first few forum posts and YouTube advertisements were created. To make a long story short, we've had many attacks and other problems along the way. But we are now here, in the middle of even more problems, yet with hope for the future. Not everyone likes us, not everyone thinks we can continue what we say we will, but we will fight to the bloody end to keep this server alive. Now join the server and have an excellent adventure.
- xDeathCon
Made 2018 by: xDeathCon, Windows XP Professional, and jm03. Massive credit to jm03 for great remake.